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The Definitive Guide to Bathroom Faucets

Jan 20, 2015 3 min read

Dual vanities are high on many couples wish list for a master bath remodel.  This typically means matching sinks and faucets.  Most bathroom faucets mount to the sink or countertop.  When planning your design be sure your faucet selection will fit your design and your sink.  Also, if there is more than one party make sure they are in agreement on the type of faucet.  Here is an overview of types of bathroom faucets.

bathroom faucet bathroom design columbus ohio

Single-Handle Faucet: These faucets are easier on the joints than the dual-handled faucet since they come with one handle that controls hot and cold water. Sensor-controlled models are becoming available which can allow you to adjust temperature, and water flow without touching the faucet. This type of bathroom faucet is also mounted to the countertop or sink deck via predrilled holes.

Center-Set Faucet: Typically these are designed to mount to a sink deck or countertop with pre-drilled holes that measure 4 inches from center to center.  There are also some that have a single-post design with one hole.

Spread-Fit Faucet: These faucets are good for installations where every inch counts.  With separate handles and faucets and a connection below the sink deck this faucet will fit holes 4 to 10 inches apart and can be installed in unconventional locations.

Wall-Mount Faucet: Since this faucet is attached to the wall the water stream is likely to cause splashing if it is not properly located.  When considering a wall-mount faucet, check the manufacturer’s specifications for your sink for best height and wall placement.  The standard suggestion is to position the faucet so the water stream is behind the drain.

Bridge Faucet: In addition to bringing a classical element to your bathroom design these faucets are a great way to have a continuously clean countertop deck.  The bridge faucet typically mounts to the countertop which makes cleaning easier.

The bathroom designers at Dream Baths in Columbus, Ohio can help you pick out the perfect faucets for your bathroom remodel. Contact us to get started on your remodel, and be sure to check us out on Houzz and Pinterest!


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(614) 754-7045
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